Mathematics Notes Class 6 | Federal Board Islamabad

Mathematics Notes

Welcome to Today we share mathematics notes class 6 students. Mathematics can be challenging for students especially when students move from primary school to middle school. That’s why students need to have good study material to understand the mathematics concepts. We provide high-quality mathematics notes class 6 that help students to understand all topics and also build confidence in solving math questions. 

We have designed a set of mathematic notes for class 6 that follow the syllabus of the Federal Board of Intermediate, Islamabad. Our aim is to help students to understand math concepts better and to perform well in exams. In this article, we explain what our Mathematics notes cover and how they can help students.  We also provide links to get these notes of all chapters. 

Read too: 

Chapter Wise List Of Mathematics Notes for Class 6th

Chapter Names Get Links
1. SetExercise 1.1
Review Exercise 1
2. Whole NumbersExercise 2.1
Exercise 2.2
Review Exercise 2
3. Factors and MultiplesExercise 3.1 
Exercise 3.2 
Exercise 3.3 
Exercise 3.4 
Exercise 3.5 
Review Exercise 3
4. IntegersExercise 4.1 
Exercise 4.2 
Exercise 4.3 
Exercise 4.4 
Review Exercise 4
5. SimplificationExercise 5.1 
Review Exercise 5
6. Ratio, Rate and ProportionExercise 6.1
Exercise 6.2
Exercise 6.3
Review Exercise 6
7. Financial ArithmeticExercise 7.1
Exercise 7.2 
Exercise 7.3
Review Exercise 7
8. AlgebraExercise 8.1 
Exercise 8.2
Exercise 8.3
Review Exercise 8
9. Linear EquationsExercise 9.1
Exercise 9.2 
Exercise 9.3
Review Exercise 9
10. GeometryExercise 10.1
Exercise 10.2 
Review Exercise 10
11. Practical GeometryExercise 11.1 
Exercise 11.2 
Exercise 11.3 
Review Exercise 11
12. MensurationExercise 12.1
Exercise 12.2
Exercise 12.3
Exercise 12.4
Exercise 12.5
Exercise 12.6
Exercise 12.7
Review Exercise 12
13. Data Handling and ProbabilityExercise 1.1
Exercise 1.2
Exercise 1.3
Review Exercise

Our notes of mathematics for class 6 have everything you need to learn your math concepts. You can get all chapters notes in the above table for free at any time. By using these notes you can solve any math challenge that comes your way. So don’t wait and get our Mathematics notes for class 6th.