Islamiyat Notes for 5 Class Students | Islamabad Model Schools and Colleges

Islamiyat Notes for 5 Class Students | Islamabad Model Schools & Colleges

Welcome to alifadab. Today we share with you the Islamiyat notes of class 5. Islamiyat is an important subject for students to understand the basic principles of Islam.  In this subject students learn about the importance of prayer, good habits and teaching of Quran. This subject help students to shape their character and also guide them to manage their daily lives. That way Islamiyat is the key subject of the primary education system.

In this post we will provide you best Islamiyat notes for class 5. These notes helps students and teachers in their studies more effectively. You can easily get these notes from our website in  PDF Format. 

Read too:

Here is a complete list of all chapters of islamiyat book for class 5. This table gives an overview of what students of class 5 will learn in Islamiyat notes.

باب اول – القران الکریم   نوٹس
باب دوم – ایمانیات و عبادات نوٹس
باب سوم – سیرت طیبہ صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلمنوٹس
باب چہارم – اخلاق و ادب نوٹس
باب پنجم – ہدایت کے سرچشمے (مشاہیراسلام)نوٹس

 In these Islamiyat notes, we cover all the important topics for students of class 5. All chapter is created to ensure that students can easily understand and learn these notes. 

Why you should use our notes for studies

  • Our notes are written in simple language that is easy to understand for students. Difficult words and long sentences can confuse students of class 5.
  • Our writers arrange these notes in separate sections. So that it is easy for students to find the topic they need. 
  • We cover all the important topics that are part of the syllabus  Islamabad Model Schools & Colleges
  • We include question at the end of each chapter for the help of students to prepare exams. 

So start learning Islamiyat with the help of our easy to understand notes.