Hasil Novel is an extraordinary piece written by Umera Ahmed. The story of this novel reflects the life of a young boy who, as a result of his early traumas, is in desperate need of love. He develops feelings for two girls: one inspires him to rebel against Islam, and the other draws him closer to it. She has a profound effect on him and eventually becomes his soul partner.
This book is highly recommended because it highlights several situations that make young people reject Islam and more attracted towards other religions. Secondly, in this book writer also discusses how a woman has the power to transform a man. She has an ability to lead people astray or in the correct direction. It encourages young females to follow the path that Islam offers.
This is just too incredible to describe in words.
A story of love and not of love
Relationship to Allah
How to make our Iman stronger
And so much more.
Brief story, but masterfully written
About Author:
Umera Ahmed is one of the most well-known and widely read Urdu fiction writers of this generation for both novels and screenplays. She graduated from Murray College in Sialkot with a master’s degree in English literature. Later, she worked at Army Public College in Sialkot as an English language lecturer for O and A-level students. But a few years ago, she quit her work to give her writing her whole attention. She Started Writing at a Very Young Age in 1998. She is the author of approximately sixteen books, which include collections of short stories and whole novels. But Her Novel “Peer-E-Kaamil (S.A.W.W)” Was the One That Shaped Her Identity.
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