FPSC Solved Past Papers 2024 (3000+ MCQS)

FPSC Solved Past Papers

FPSC has been assigned the responsibility of conducting tests and examinations for the recruitment of individuals to the All-Pakistan Services, which include the civil services of the Federation and civil jobs related to the affairs of the Federation in basic scales 16 and above or equivalent. If you are an FPSC applicant, and looking for some test preparation material, you are in the right spot because in this article we are sharing FPSC Solved Past Papers consisting of almost 3000+ Mcqs.

The Federal Public Service Commission is often regarded as the most reliable commission in Pakistan. The commission is generally recognized as the authority responsible for assessing the quality of the candidates. The commission’s examinations reflect superior quality.

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How to prepare successfully for the FPSC exam?

The Federal Public Service Commission examination paper has 100 marks and consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering many subjects such as General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Islamic and Pak Studies, Everyday Science, Arithmetic, and English.

Individuals want to secure an ideal occupation by achieving high scores in the Public Service Commission FPSC Exam. To be ready for the FPSC test, it is necessary to strictly stick to the predefined measures advised by FPSC.

FPSC Written Test Syllabus:

The syllabus for the FPSC written test has a total of 100 marks. Below is a detailed analysis of the 100 marks, presented sequentially:

  • General Science and Ability (20 marks):

It encompasses basic scientific ideas, mathematical concepts, and questions based on logical reasoning. A solid understanding of scientific principles and the development of strong logical thinking abilities will enable you to complete this section of the exam.

  • Pakistan Affairs (20 marks): 

This section contains questions regarding the historical, geographical, cultural, and economic aspects of Pakistan, as well as its constitution.

  • Current Affairs (20 marks):

This section examines your understanding of recent national and international affairs. Frequently reading newspapers and staying updated on international news and significant events may help in achieving a high score in this part.

  • Islamiat (20 marks):

This portion contains the study of Islam, including the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the historical development of Islamic civilization.

  • English (20 marks):

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Use your left or right arrow keys or drag and drop with the mouse to change the gradient position. Press the button to change the color or remove the control point.

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This component evaluates your ability to use the English language effectively and understand written material. The syllabus includes English grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and composition writing.

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