English Notes Class 9th (Matric Part 1) | Federal Board, Islamabad

English Notes Class 9th

Welcome to the alifadab.com.  Today we share English notes class 9th (Matric part 1). English subjects can sometimes feel difficult for students.  Having access to high-quality and well-structured key books can solve this problem. Our English for Class 9th is specifically created to help students learn in an organized way and enable them to perform good performance in Examinations. 

Importance Of English Subject

English is crucial for students because it opens doors to various opportunities. It is used in almost every field of life, such as international communication, business, academics, etc. For students good command of English is very essential because it sets the foundation for higher education and professional success. It improves reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills that are necessary for academic and personal development. Our English notes class 9th fulfills all requirements and helps students to understand English thoroughly and perform well in their exams without the help of any tutor. 

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List of all English Notes Class 9th  

Below is a table of all chapters of English notes for class 9th (Matric part 1) with solved exercises. 

Chapter NameNotesExerciseTranslation
1. The Saviour of Mankind Click HereClick HereClick Here
2. PatriotismClick HereClick HereClick Here
3. Media and ImpactClick HereClick HereClick Here
4. Hazrat Asma (R.A)Click HereClick HereClick Here
5. DaffodilsClick HereClick HereClick Here
6. The Quaid’s Vision & PakistanClick HereClick HereClick Here
7. Sultan Ahmad MosqueClick HereClick HereClick Here
8. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningClick HereClick HereClick Here
9. All is not LostClick HereClick HereClick Here
10. Drug Addiction  Click HereClick HereClick Here
11. Noise in the EnvironmentClick HereClick HereClick Here
12. Three Days to SeeClick HereClick HereClick Here

Why Use Our English Notes Class 9th?

Our English notes class 9th is created by experienced teachers according to the latest syllabus prescribed by the Federal Board, Islamabad. We use simple explanations that make it easier for students to follow and comprehend. These notes

  • Chapter-wise Summaries
  • Exercises and Solutions
  • Translations
  • Practice Questions

In conclusion, these notes help students grasp the most complex topics and enable them to achieve better results in their exams. So, get these notes for free and see how much easier and enjoyable learning English can be.