Class 12th Pak Studies Notes || Both Urdu and English Version

Class 12th Pak. Studies Notes || Both Urdu and English Version (New Course)

Welcome to Today we offer Class 12th Pak Studies Notes teaches students about Pakistan’s historical, cultural, geographical, and political background. We provides top-quality study notes in both English and Urdu versions for the help of students. Our goal is to offer high-quality notes for students to perform well in exams and achieve great academic success.

Importance of the Pak. Studies Subject

Pakistan Studies is an essential subject that delivers knowledge to students about their country’s history, governance, geography, and culture. This subject plays an important role in shaping the mindset of students by offering insights into their struggles.  It also gives information about the creation of Pakistan and the principles upon which the nation was built.

This subject develops a sense of national pride in students and also gives awareness of the country’s various cultural heritages. Pak. Studies highlight the difficulties faced by Pakistan in its early years. Students must understand these aspects to get good results in this subject. Our offer Class 12th Pak Studies Notes are well structured and according to the latest syllabus. With the help of these notes, students are better prepared for Pak study exams and engage in discussions about Pakistan’s future and its role on the global level.

Class 12th Part 2 Other Subjects Notes 

Get Complete Class 12th Pak Studies Notes (English Version)

Chapters Name Get Links 
Ch # 1 – Genesis of the Islamic Republic of PakistanClick Here
Ch # 2 – Initial Problems of the Islamic Republic of PakistanClick Here
Ch # 3 – Geography of the Islamic Republic of PakistanClick Here
Ch # 4 – Steps towards the Islamic Republic of PakistanClick Here
Ch # 5 – Administrative Structure of Pakistan and the Concept of Good GovernanceClick Here
Ch # 6 – Culture of the Islamic Republic of PakistanClick Here
Ch # 7 – Languages of the Islamic Republic of PakistanClick Here
Ch # 8 – National Integration and ProsperityClick Here
Ch # 9 – Economic Planning and Development in the Islamic Republic of PakistanClick Here
Ch # 10 – Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of PakistanClick Here

(مکمل مطالعہ پاکستان نوٹس (اردو ورژن   

اسباق کے نام لنکس
سبق نمبر ۱۔ نظریہ پاکستاننوٹس
سبق نمبر ۲۔ اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان کے ابتدائی مسائلنوٹس
سبق نمبر ۳۔ اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان کاجغرافیہنوٹس
سبق نمبر ۴۔ اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان کے قیام کی طرف پیش قدمینوٹس
سبق نمبر ۵۔ پاکستان کا انتظامی ڈھانچہ اور اچھی حکمرانی کا تصوّرنوٹس
سبق نمبر ۶۔ اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان کا کلچرنوٹس
سبق نمبر ۷۔ پاکستانی زبانیںنوٹس
سبق نمبر ۸۔ قومی یکجہتی اور خوشحالینوٹس
سبق نمبر۹۔ اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان میں اقتصادی منصوبہ بندی اور ترقینوٹس
سبق نمبر ۱۰۔ اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان کی خارجہ حکمت عملینوٹس

In conclusion, These Class 12th Pak Studies Notes are designed for students aiming to excel in their exams. We offer Pak study notes in both Urdu and English versions and ensure that all learners can get these quality Pak study notes. We make these notes to simplify the learning process and also make studying easier and enjoyable. So get these notes and star learning Pak study for exam success.